Interactive Conference Photos that Will Make you Look | DTP x Breakthrough Play

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Conference Photography, Corporate Event, Event Photography, Uncategorized


Let’s face it. Conferences can be BORING. Just because you’re offsite doesn’t mean your mind is off work… or the stress that comes from deadlines, deliverables, and data.

Breakthrough Play: Unleash the power of play!

And that’s where Gary comes in. Gary runs Breakthrough Play, a company that uses creativity and improvisation techniques to help professionals boost confidence, joy, and teamwork. Through workshops and training sessions, Gary fosters personal and professional development by encouraging participants to embrace fun and experimentation to improve communication and problem-solving skills.

I had the opportunity to capture interactive conference photos of Gary in action. Gary spoke at an event in Newport Beach. He led participants to drop their professional masks and experience the type of connection and laughter that adults so rarely get to experience. I was immediately impressed by how quickly he took control of the room. His sense of humor and playful personality disarmed even the most solemn audience members. In no time, Gary had hundreds of people giggling, growling like animals, and dancing through the aisles.

Leverage Breakthrough Play to create engaging candids that grow your business

As a strategic event photographer, I see beyond the obvious benefits of incorporating Breakthrough Play into your next conference. The obvious benefits of collaborating with Breakthrough Play include:

  • Promoting joy, and trust amongst your team/community
  • Lowering the barriers to connection at networking events
  • Learning new things about your team and getting to see them in a new (sillier) light
  • Shaking up the monotony of conference structure, getting people to move, engage, and laugh
  • Boost creativity and problem-solving
  • Prevent burnout
  • And countless other benefits

Additionally, Gary’s work creates a unique environment that makes it possible to capture lively, joyful, candid images of event participants. Part of my strategy as a corporate photographer involves working with event planners and clients to create images that showcase the culture of their organization or community in a way that is enticing to their prospective clients and partners. Moments of sincere joy, laughter, and connection are invaluable, and cannot be faked.

And let’s be real here: it can be difficult to elicit these moments organically when the conference’s programming is more geared toward encouraging attendees to scroll their phone, answer emails, or worse (and I’ve seen it all) nap.

Part of the genius of Breakthrough Play involves getting people up on their feet, having them participate as a unit, and creating a communal sense of joy, laughter, and positivity that absolutely radiates through the photos. Don’t believe me? Take a look.

In event photography terms, these types of photos are priceless assets. In addition to boosting team morale, they’re eye-catching, shareable tools that can be used in internal documents, shared on LinkedIn and other external platforms, and used as evergreen content to expand an organization’s mission and vision.

And even better; these authentic moments inspire shares and re-shares from within. More shares=more profits.

You can’t fake moments like this.

Are you tired of stale, boring corporate photos? We are, too. If you’re ready to create engaging, interactive conference photos while laying the groundwork for your team to make new connections, new discoveries, and new breakthroughs through play, let’s get in touch! You can reach out to Gary at or through his website to learn how to make the most of out of your next corporate event.

For event photos, you can reach Daria at You can also check out more of the candid captures via her website.

much love

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